In-Person Pneumatic Specialist Review Training - Windsor, Ontario - Canada (4/29 - 5/3/24)

In-person certification review training for the Pneumatic Certification (includes membership*, training, testing**, and pdf study manual) - Windsor, Ontario - Canada (4/29 - 5/3/24)

This training program is designed as a REVIEW. It is essential that participants are fully prepared for the test prior to attending.

Windsor, Ontario - Canada 4/29 - 5/3/24 - In-person certification review training for the Pneumatic Specialist Certification.

The 34 hours of training will be conducted Monday to Thursday, from 8 am to 5 pm (lunch on own). Testing will take place on Friday.

Note: A Minimum of 8 participants and a maximum of 12 participants (the class will not run unless the minimum number is registered).

*For current members, a one-year extension will be given.

**For individuals who have already paid the test fees, a discount of $329 will be provided via coupon code (To obtain the coupon code, please contact

The bundle offered as part of the training program is valued at $465 and includes comprehensive materials to aid participants in their preparation for the examination.

What is included in the bundle?: 

Fluid Power Reference Handbook  
Math Book   
Training Modules