Why Get Certified?

Certification empowers individuals and companies with CONFIDENCE, CREDIBILITY, AND EFFICIENCY


IFPS CERTIFICATION empowers fluid power distributors, manufacturers, and end-users with

  • Increased credibility
  • A fully trained and certified workforce
  • The ability to set standards for assessing the skill level of current or potential employees
  • A safer and more efficient workforce
  • Competency standards for advances in the industry
  • An effective sales and recruiting tool
IFPS CERTIFICATION empowers individuals to:
  • Improve career paths
  • Establish professional credentials
  • Increase earning potential
  • Improve skills and knowledge
  • Add value to your company

MARKETING OPPORTUNITIES with a  fluid power certified workforce:

  • IFPS Certification Supporter logo for your Website
  • IFPS credentials added to employee's name - John Smith, CFPXX (for signature lines, business cards, LinkedIn profiles, etc.)
  • IFPS Certification certificates to display at your office or shop
  • When your employee achieves certification, their names and company affiliation are printed in the Fluid Power Journal.
About the IFPS CERTIFICATION program:
  • The IFPS has certified thousands of professionals since 1960.
  • Our Certifications serve as the industry standard for assessing the knowledge and skill level of individuals in the fluid power and motion control industry.
  • Our Certification tests provide an objective, third-party assessment of an individual’s skill level.
  • All IFPS Certifications tests are psychometrically evaluated and meet defensible standards.
  • Our Certifications are portable and recognized industry-wide.
  • Individuals must re-certify every five years to ensure their skills and knowledge have kept pace with the industry.

"Certification is a great way to build a career. I was fortunate enough to work for a company that required certification for advancement. From my first test to my last, I've never second-guessed my decision to GET CERTIFIED!"

Dean Houdeshell, PE, CFPE
Director of Engineering
Cemen Tech, Inc.
