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Technical Workshop - San Diego - 2022 - In Person
Electrohydraulic Control Systems
Electrohydraulic Control Systems - Understanding Proportional Valves and their Associated Control Systems
Pre-requisite knowledge: Hydraulic Fundamentals
Presented by: Tom Blansett, CFPAI, IFPS Technical Director and Denis Poirier, CFPAI, Training Operations Manager, Danfoss
Monday, September 26, 2022
Inperson and and Virtual option
8:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Cost: $150
Does the thought of electro-hydraulics take you out of your comfort zone? Do you find the electro-hydraulic content included in the Hydraulic Specialist Study manual overwhelming? Have you considered brushing up on your electrohydraulic skills? Do you have a desire to expand your knowledge of proportional valve concepts and principles of proportional valve sizing? Regardless of the reason, this session has something for everyone!
Join us for a session which starts with a review of proportional valve concepts, a discussion on basic amplifier principles and tuning strategies and reaching the topic apex with a deep dive into how to properly size proportional valves for optimum performance. This session includes team discussions, the interpretation of performance data and exercises in valve sizing.